Kinesiology can help with a huge range of health and wellbeing problems. Kinesiology treats the root cause of a health problem or emotional issue and draws on Eastern and Western holistic health systems.
Some of the issues Kinesiology can help with include:
Low energy – Pain – Food Allergies & Sensitivities – Nutritional deficiencies – Hormonal imbalances - Low self-esteem – Increased Personal Performance – Fears, Phobias & Anxieties – Learning Difficulties – Muscular-Skeletal Problems – Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) – Addictions – M.E./Chronic Fatigue Symptoms
I have been fascinated by, and so impressed with the efficacy of kinesiology for the past decade, that two years ago, I started training for the practitioner diploma qualification in Systematic Kinesiology.
Kinesiology was the only thing that cleared up my son’s chronic ezcema after 9 years. Within 2 weeks of seeing kinesiologist Chris Astill Smith and him telling me to dose my son with Vit B 12 and change the olive oil I cooked with, my son’s ezcema had completely disappeared. It felt almost miraculous ! Personally I have found kinesiology invaluable in helping me process grief and trauma and navigating through menopause with ease.
I cannot recommend kinesiology highly enough. Whether you are suffering from chronic digestive problems like IBS, hormonal imbalance issues, chronic health problems like ME, or wanting to clear emotional trauma memories or clear limiting negative self-belief systems, kinesiology has the power to be truly life changing ! Kinesiology can help you be the best and healthiest version of yourself.
Kinesiology can also be used preventatively to keep your body balanced and in optimal health, in order to deal with the stresses and strains of modern life.