Kinesiology treats the root cause of a problem, not just the symptoms and is one of the fastest growing fields in natural health therapies. The basic principle of Kinesiology is that the body never lies and through the language of muscle testing, you can identify exactly what the body needs, in order to restore and maintain optimum health and well being. A variety of techniques, including lymphatic massage, acupressure points, energy work, nutrition and emotional release, are used to bring the body back into balance
There are four main areas kinesiology will explore for imbalances. These are :
Structural – Muscle, tendons, bones etc. Gentle balancing techniques are used to physically align the body including many muscles, the spine, shoulders, knees and cranial work.
Nutritional and chemical – Kinesiology can find out exactly which nutritional supplements your body might be lacking or which foods or chemicals are stressing it.
Emotional - Emotional issues play a huge role in most peoples ailments. These could be fears, phobias, goals that are not being achieved and past traumas. Kinesiology uses a range of techniques to clear painful or destructive emotions and uses Bach flower remedies, organic nutrition for the nervous system, (when relevant) to restore serenity and confidence to the mind and body.
Electrical (Energy) – Acupuncture meridians and combinations of acupressure holding points to balance our electrical field, incorporating the philosophy of the ancient Chinese Traditional 5 Element Theory.
Kinesiology can help with a huge range of health and wellbeing problems.
Low energy – Pain – Food Allergies & Sensitivities – Nutritional deficiencies – Low self-esteem – Increased Personal Performance – Fears, Phobias & Anxieties – Learning Difficulties – Dyslexia – Muscular-Skeletal Problems – Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) – Addictions – M.E./Chronic Fatigue Symptoms