Embracing Autumn’s Wisdom

Embracing Autumn's Wisdom

As we transition through Autumn, nature invites us to turn inward and embrace the Metal element in Chinese Medicine. This season calls us to let go of what no longer serves us, just as trees release their leaves we can let go of anything that no longer serves us. 

The Metal element governs our lungs and large intestine, making this the perfect time to focus on respiratory health and digestive wellness.

Autumn Self-Care Tips: Balancing Your Metal Element

“Insights from Traditional Chinese Medicine”

As we move through autumn, nature invites us to slow down and turn inward. In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), autumn is associated with the Metal element, making it the perfect time to focus on letting go of what no longer serves us and creating space for new growth.

Understanding the Metal Element

The Metal element is connected to our lungs and large intestine, governing our breathing, immunity, and ability to process both physical and emotional release. When in balance, Metal energy helps us:

- Maintain strong immunity

- Process grief and let go of the past

- Establish healthy boundaries

- Stay connected to our inner wisdom

- Breathe deeply and fully

- Maintain good gut health

Top Self-Care Practices for Autumn

 1. Breathing Practices

- Practice deep belly breathing for 5 minutes daily

- Place one hand on your heart and the other on your belly

- Breathe in deeply, imagining filling a balloon in your belly

- Exhale slowly, feeling your belly soften

 2. Boost Your Immune System

- Try the "Four Thumps" exercise daily:

  - Tap under your eyes

  - Tap just below your collarbones

  - Gently thump your thymus (center of chest)

  - Tap the sides of your ribcage

- Take Vitamin D3, Vitamin C, and zinc supplements

- Protect your neck from wind and cold

 3. Nourishing Foods

Incorporate warming, metal-supporting foods:

- Pungent spices: cinnamon, ginger, cloves

- Seasonal vegetables: leeks, onions, garlic

- Immune-boosting mushrooms

- Walnuts and tangerines

- Warm soups and stews

 4. Emotional Balance

- Practice daily gratitude: list 3-5 things you appreciate

- Try this affirmation: "With every breath I take, I feel protected and uplifted by the life force"

- Clear out old belongings to make space for new energy

- Spend time in nature

- Connect with activities that inspire you

 5. Support Gut Health

- Stay hydrated

- Eat plenty of fiber-rich vegetables

- Consider taking quality probiotics

 6. Energy Exercise: Connecting Heaven and Earth

This practice helps boost immunity and bring joy:

1. Rub your hands together and place them on your thighs

2. Inhale deeply, circling arms out to prayer position

3. Inhale again, stretching one hand up while the other reaches down

4. Hold briefly, then return to prayer position

5. Repeat on the other side

 Signs You May Need Extra Metal Element Support

- Frequent colds or respiratory issues

- Difficulty letting go of past events

- Feelings of grief or melancholy

- Digestive issues

- Skin problems

- Low energy or vitality

Remember, autumn is nature's way of teaching us the art of letting go. Just as trees release their leaves, we can use this season to release what no longer serves us and make space for new growth and inspiration.

*For more information or to book a session, contact fiona@fionacarson.com

Try these top acupressure points : 

Large Intestine 4

Do not use if pregnant ! 

Press LI-4 acupressure point in space between the thumb and forefinger to alleviate pain and reduces stress. LI-4 is often used to treat headaches, facial pain, and various conditions related to the head and face. LI-4 also help boost the immune system and promote general well-being.

Lung 7 (LU-7), is a significant point in traditional Chinese medicine. Located on the radial side of the forearm, approximately 1.5 inches above the wrist crease, it is part of the lung meridian. This acupressure point is commonly used to address respiratory issues, boost the immune system, and alleviate symptoms of the common cold. Additionally, LU-7 is believed to help with emotional balance and can be beneficial for reducing stress and anxiety. When applying acupressure to this point, gentle pressure or circular massage is recommended to stimulate energy flow and promote overall well-being.